Sunday, September 6, 2009

from "How I Got Well in India for $50"

Add to Technorati Favorites This post's title links to an excellent article from by an American woman who went to India to work. It's well worth a read and compares India's system and pricing with ours. It wasn't a surprise to me--30 years ago, I spent half a year in India. Many Westerners are decimated by amoebas and bacterial infections upon arriving in this new environment. 30 years ago I found I got better, more compassionate care in India for a pittance than I, a Doctor's daughter, had experienced in the United States.
Here's a quote from's article. Click on post title for the rest.

"My cheap, fast and effective treatment in New Delhi reminded me of everything wrong with American healthcare...What I hadn't anticipated was that India's treatment would turn out to be so good. And cheap. Unless you happen to be one of the hundreds of millions of Indians who are poor and don't live in a major metropolitan area. The Indian healthcare system is an anarchic hodgepodge, with little insurance, little regulation and a range of services offered by hundreds of government-run, trust-run and corporate hospitals. The care it produced for me was fast, effective, courteous and cheaper than American medicine, even when adjusted for the lower cost of living. But that was the care it produced for me, a middle-class woman in the big city. As America considers healthcare reform, the Indian system is a testament to both the triumphs and the pitfalls of letting the free market heal people."

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Raise your voice for your right to Natural Alternative Health!
Are you like more than 50% of Americans spending out of pocket for Alternative Medicine?
What should our representatives have on the table--who should they be talking with, and what KIND of health care do you want available with ANY plan they come up with?